Kulfi are famous Indian frozen dessert which is one of the popular street food which is similar to ice cream but much denser as it is made with rich rabadi but trust me the creamy tastes is so divine . When I did mega marathon in april month for delhi street food thali I had this kulfi too in my list to do but some how forgot to make it. Now Indian dessert is the perfect theme I can include this creamy dessert which is so Indian and perfect to serve as a dessert. This is very popular kulfi made in delhi capital of India , they are also available in different fruits like apple too. I haven’t tried in apple but it is in my to do list next. For people who have this for the first time might wonder how you filled the mango with kulfi in , to make it more exciting people and slice the mango right while serving the guest the will sure feel amazed on how you made them 😉 Isn’t this a perfect way to surprise our guest. We totally enjoyed the frozen mango and creamy kulfi combo, you can go as creative as you like add some tutti frutti or strawberries to make it more interesting. Yes it is a little messy job to remove seed from the mango carefully without breaking them apart but it is worth trying at last it for a smile and compliment you get matters. Lets move on to this fantastic recipe..Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#47.
Fruit Mein Kulfi
Preparation time
Cook Time
Indian Desserts
5 mins
10 mins
- In a sauce pan boil the milk, heavy cream and reduce them till the milk thickens.
- Keep stirring them Milk constantly as it might stick to the bottom.
- Add saffron, Rose essence and condensed milk to the reduced milk .
- Mix them well and boil it till you see strands of malai in them.
- Once it thicken turn off the heat and let the milk cool down.
- For the mango cut off the crown , mark the seed with your knife.
- Place the mango on a glass or a bowl on which it can stand.
- Scoop of the seed from the mango( you can use a tongs to remove the seed) and fill the kulfi mixture into the mango.
- Cover the mango with the crown ,freeze till 4-5 hours. on the glass go that the kulfi sets well in the mango.
- When the kulfi sets peel the mango skin and slice them circles.
- Enjoy the frozen mango filled with creamy kulfi.
- You can make this kulfi with apple, kiwi,pineapple too.
That is a really cool way of presenting the kulfi, Majula!
I love food with a surprise inside. The sliced mango looks so good.
Wow awesome idea! Love it! !
Looks too good, I need to try this..
beautifully made kulfi 🙂
Lovely idea.
Awesome ans tasty.
how wonderful.. enge dhaan indha idea varudho
what an innovative recipe. this looks just too good for words!!!
lovely.. innovative.. 🙂
Wow, damn delicious, mango and kulfi,just cant take my eyes from your clicks.
So tempting kulfi,nice presentation ,so innovative
What an interesting and delicious way to serve kulfis. It looks awesome.
Manjula, hats off to your innovation!..what a neat idea to serve dessert!
Awesome dessert… Looks yum.
What alovely idea!!!Looks awesome
That's a neat idea to make fruit kulfis!
Manjula I made this for April marathon using apple and muskmelon.mango one looks cool and tempting.
I liked your idea of Mango Kulfi and I tried it up. It turned out awesome, thanks for sharing such innovative idea.
Very inviting !!! Will try soon