Today we are landing On letter I and I choice Israel without any second thought Because as I didn’t have any choice I had some recipe bookmarked from this country and also as am doing daily cooking for each letter I never think change my mind and stick with the country which I decided already for some letters. Coming to today’s country, Israel is officially known as state of Israel which comes under the middle eastern countries.The cuisine here is based on the jewish cuisine. Its traditional food includes Mediterranean cuisine and middle easter which includes hummus, falafal,couscous and zaatar. The national dish is of Israel is falafal which is the deep fried chick pea ball , this is the most favorite street food there. Vegetable salad are eaten with most of the meal I have a version of Israeli vegetable salad post do check my Israeli Vegetable salad which one of the national dish of Israel. I also had Posted a refreshing drink from this country earlier, so also check my Limonana ( frozen mint lemonade ) which is the national drink of Israel.
As you will be knowing Christmas is celebrated all over the world its hannukah for jewish and they even have their traditionally made dishes for the festival.I have tried fried doughnuts before But this the first time I tried the jelly doughnuts which is very famous in dunkin donuts here. Though we never have the doughnuts sold in the store bcoz it contains egg for sure.But I love trying doughnuts at home, so this is the first time I made these doughnut but filled with custard instead of jam.This is open of the favorite doughnuts made in Israel – Sufganiyot is super simple to make and is generally fried. They are seriously super addictive and my dear H just loved it a lot. In breads laffa bread is most famous in Israel and traditionally it is served with hummus . The laffa bread can be cut into strips and then served with hummus so that it is easy to dip and eat. Laffa bread is a famous middle eastern flat bread which is a very popular street food in the Israel. accompanied laffa with matbucha though it is a salad in Israel I made it a side dish for laffa and enjoyed it a lot. Matbucha is cold salad which is perfect dip to serve with breads, we had it with laffa but you can also have it with pita. Just like a salsa it can be pre made and stored in refrigerator. It was really delicious. Malabi is another very famous Middle eastern sweet which tastes just Like a custard , this luscious creamy rich dessert will leave you in heaven,it is seriously addictive. I topped it with strawberry syrup and it tasted yummm .. At last for salad I chose Israeli Couscous salad which is very popular salad and is present in all Israeli meal table. I did, have the Israeli variety pearl couscous so used the yellow fine variety for this salad. Am so happy to put this platter for this particular country as we enjoyed all the dishes made for this letter. I hope This post is not too lengthy as I made just 5 dish for country.. Will split the post soon and post it again.. lets move on to the recipe.
Recipe Category
Preparation time
Cook Time
2 hrs
20 mins
- In a small bowl add yeast, water and sugar , leave it for 10 minutes till it becomes foamy.
- In a large bowl Mix in flour, salt, Yeast mixture,Diluted egg replacer, softened Butter. Combine well to form a dough.
- Knead them well till forms a smooth and elastic dough.
- Grease the bowl and the dough well form a ball.
- Keep it in the greased bowl, cover and keep it to prove for 1- 11/2 hour.
- After the dough doubles in size punch the dough and dived them to 3 balls.
- Lightly flour the surface and roll the a ball with a rolling pin.
- Use a round cookie cutter and cut the dough in about 2 inch circles.
- Place the cut circles on a lightly floured tray and cover it. Rest it for 15 minutes.
- In a kadai/ sauce pan heat oil and once it is hot enough.
- Drop a doughnut circle and using a perforated ladle flip them and cook them till they are evenly cooked both sides.
- Once fried transfer it to kitchen towel ,Repeat the same for the rest of the dough.
- After you are done frying , use a skewer and poke a whole in each side of the doughnut. Fill the pastry bag with custard and pipe the custard in the poked hole. So that when you them there is good amount of custard filled in.
- Serve them warm and enjoy.
Recipe Source : Here
Laffa Bread
Recipe Category
Preparation time
Cook Time
2 hrs
15 mins
- In a bowl add all the ingredients except water and mix them well.
- Add warm water little by little and form a smooth dough.
- Knead them well it attains elasticity.
- Grease the bowl well , cover the dough and keep it for 1 -1 1/2 hr to rise.
- After it doubles in volume ,punch it and give it a knead.
- Divise the dough to equal parts.
- Floor the work surface well and roll a dough ball like we do for roti.
- Roll them to flat bread like, the shape doesn’t matter .
- Heat a tawa/pan and put the rolled laffa on the hot pan .
- once you see puffs in the dough flip and cook the other side it you see brown spost.
- Oil the pan if needed and repeat the same with the rest of the dough balls.
- Traditionally it is served with Hummus,But we had them with matbucha.
Recipe Source: Here
- Roast the Green bell pepper on a open fire with a skewer pricked on on it.
- Keep it rotating and while roasting . Roast the till the skin have some black spots.
- Chop the roasted skin part of the capsicum, seed the jalapeno and chop them. Chop tomatoes, cMince garlic and keep it ready.
- In a sauce pan combine tomatoes, capsicum, Jalepenos,garlic, chilli flakes.
- Simmer them in medium heat till the toamtoes turm mushy.
- Add little water to bring the mixture together.
- Add sugar and mix them well.Cook them again for some while.
- In a seperate bowl mix oil and paprika and keep it ready.
- Add olive oil mixture in the matbucha and mix them well.
- Cook them in very low flame for 15-20 mins.
- Turn of the heat and cool the matbucha well befor serving.
Recipe Category
Preparation time
Cook Time
10 mins
10 mins
- Dilute the corn starch in 1/4 cup milk without any lumps.
- In a sauce pan Put milk , heavy cream and heat them.
- Once it starts boiling , simmer the flame and and add the diluted corn starch mixture.
- Stir them constantly too avoid burning.
- Add sugar and Mix them well
- The milk will start thickening soon and cook till it thickens well.
- After it thickens , turn off the stove and the essence.
- Transfer the pudding to a serving glass and top it with strawberry syrup and pistachios if you like.
- Refrigerate them for 2-3 hr and serve them chilled.
Israeli Couscous Tabbouleh
Recipe Category
Preparation time
15 mins
- In a sauce pan heat 1 tsp oil and toast the couscous for a while.
- Add 1/2 cup water and cook the couscous till they fluff up well.
- Now In a large bowl add cooked couscous , chopped cherry tomatoes, onion, mint leaves , parsley , white vinegar, pepper pd, salt and oil .
- Toss them well.
- You can even add green pepper and zucchini to the salad.
wow great work dear some more regional cuisines 🙂 loving it dear
Such a colorful and delicious collection of Israeli dishes. Everything looks amazing.
Lovely platter! Loved all the dishes. Beautiful presentation. Loved the colors of Malabi.
Beautiful looking platter. Love the presentation as well.
Oh god, wish i live near you, those doughnuts are torturing me while the mulabi is asking me to grab that glass and have rite now. You seriously rock Manju, everytime i come here, i feel soo hungry even after having my meal.
I am amazed at your spirit and enthusiasm at cooking and posting everyday. I don't know how you are managing. I would have gone crazy doing it everyday with such elaborate meals. Kudos to you!
Custard filled doughnuts looks yummy. Matbucha looks spicy and a nice. Nice flavorful dip or a side dish. Malabi is sinfully delicious and tabbouleh is a nice healthy salad.
ur family is having a blast i believe 🙂 …what a month for them :D…AWESOME !!!!
What a lovely platter. If I have to plan and cook a meal each day from a diffrent country, I will sure have a heart attack. 🙂
Those dough nuts and custard are killing me. :))
Wow what a beautifully presented platter…all the dishes are stunning..
what a interesting spread.. love every dish here.. bookmarked it
You have got some super powers , i know for sure.Such a wonderful spread you have got there Mrs. Kitchen Queen..
Manju I love the platter you have created…your recipe selection and presentation is awesome. All the dishes look wonderful and tempting. I will come back to check them in detail soon.
For the next BM I am moving into your neighborhood for sure:).Awesome spread and lovely clicks .I love those doughnuts!
great spread. I actually used to work for an Israeli company and actually Israeli couscous is only used so much here. They told me Israeli cousous they call Ben Gurion rice is only used in porridge for babies and they use regular couscous. but the beverage is new to me – will have to try it
Such an amazing spread Manjula. I would never have this much patience. I think this would be my comment for all your posts. I think I need to find a place close to yours and settle there. Then I can stop worrying about what to cook..
Lovely spread manjula!!! Love that matbucha and malabi!!!
Wow manjula love the pics and wow what a spread. Please find an apartment close to your place for me.