Indoor contaminants are a big concern in developed countries. Energy efficiency enhancements sometimes make houses airtight, that reduces ventilation and raises pollution levels. Indoor air problems are not always subtle and can have adverse impacts on health.
According to experts, indoor air quality can be deadlier than outdoor air quality. Considering the rate at which the level of pollution in the air is rising, you need to start taking measures to secure your loved ones and make your home healthy.
Here’s how you can protect your house from indoor contaminants
- Avoid Tobacco Smoke
Tobacco smoke produces an extensive range of harmful chemicals and is one of the most common causes of cancer. Most people are aware that passive smoking leads to a vast array of health issues for the passive smoker.
Some health issues that can arise from tobacco smoke include burning throat, severe asthma, cancer, lung disease, and bronchitis. Therefore, you need to take steps to eliminate smoke. Either make your home a no-smoking zone or buy an air purifier to remove it from indoor air.
- Invest in An Air Purifier
The previous point has led us to discuss the other significant step you can take to protect your home from indoor pollutants. Air purifiers are great for homes as they diminish the concentration of pollutants in the air. They also help in getting rid of tobacco, cigarette smoke and foul smell. Not only this, but they are also quite helpful for people who suffer from allergies or asthma.However, before investing in a purifier, it can be beneficial to understand the type of pollutants present in your indoor environment. Conducting Air Quality Testing in New London, CT, or a location nearby, can provide information about the air quality of your home. This knowledge can guide you in choosing the most effective air purifier for your needs.
With the advent of technology, there have emerged many air purifiers on the market from big brands like KENT. You can easily find a good quality air purifier in India, which can be used in both residential and commercial environments. As per your choice, you can purchase air purifiers from KENT that use an innovative “Ozone Disinfection” and “HEPA Air Purification” technologies to make indoor air pollution free.
- Avoid Fragrances
According to research, most of the top-selling laundry products produce at least one substance regulated as hazardous or toxic. Dryer sheets and fabric softeners are the worst offenders. Also, products like scented candles, air fresheners, cleaning products, perfumes, and nail polishes contain phthalates and VOCs which are harmful hormone-disrupting chemicals that can affect a person’s reproductive development.
If you really want to use some sort of fragrance in your home, you can boil citrus peels or herbs like mint, rosemary, and cinnamon, or diffuse plant-based essential oils into the air.
- Bring in the Houseplants
Plants tend to work as natural air purifiers by drawing in harmful substances and airborne chemicals through their leaves. They further deposit them in the soil where they are broken down by micro-organisms. This procedure effectively removes VOC toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene, and nitrogen dioxide.
To make the indoor air quality better, experts advise using around one to three plants for every 100 square feet of living space. However, the results can differ greatly on the basis of the types of plants you are growing, their health and size. Some of the plants which are best known for their air-cleansing capabilities are Golden pothos, spider plant, Chinese evergreen. Weeping fig, and bamboo palm.
Just reading the points is not enough, it’s time that you take steps to implement them. Remember, clean air is not only crucial but indispensable to us all. So, it is our duty to make sure that our lifeline remains healthy. You too need to understand the dire need of pure and healthy air and try following these steps as soon as possible.